Anki is also about learning. Simple memorization circuits are not the only ones which need reinforcing. Sure, the first go through a novel problem is the one that provides the most insight. It prompts you to reflect and change the way you go about problem solving. But the tools you uncovered — the specific circuits and patterns of subreasoning — need reinforcing.

Make Anki cards for interesting proofs! For the high-level ideas of how to solve certain classes of challenging problems! Don't just memorize simple definitions; memorize patterns of reasoning, so that when you need them, they feel as simple as recalling the name of the protein that lets bacteria survive the Arctic by shutting off their ribosomes.

Neuroplasticity is fucking awesome; use it! Switch from the passive act of practicing thinking to the outcome-driven art of learning how to think. Keep in mind what you're really working towards, I guess.

About a year ago, I stopped taking notes and opted to make Anki cards instead. It works way better, even when the bottleneck is understanding and not memorization.